Alternative Dispute Resolution

Focusing on Educational Resources for Law in Ontario

Law Student

What we offer

Educational Resources

The first thing that people think about when it comes to the law is seeking out a lawyer or paralegal, and using the legal system. For many this can be overwhelming experience. However, there are alternatives to dispute resolution that people can use before they seek a legal professional or even consider using the legal system.

Courses for Legal Professionals

“There are some things they do not teach you in school” as the old saying goes. This is very true. There is much that many people learn after and outside of school through experience that one would not otherwise learn in college or university itself. As such, ADR Centre offers courses that provide supplimentary eduation that proves to give legal professionals and law students the edge by providing the valuable knowledge from experienced veteran lawyers, judges, and legal advisors that one may not get anywhere else.


At the end of each course, upon successfully completing an exam or quiz, participants will receive a signed certificate acknowledging their accomplishment related to their assessed course.

Three Accredited Professionalism Hours for the Law Society of Ontario

Are you looking for help in the completion of the three hours of professional accreditation required of the licensees (lawyers and paralegals) of the Law Society of Ontario? This course provides the folowing:

  • three unique hours of video footage of two one-hour interviews moderated by the founder of ADR Centre – Ernest G. Tannis – with two retired Supreme Court of Ontario judges, and a third hour of a multidisiplinary panel commenting on the two interviews with the judges.
  • a quiz to ensure that licensees have successfully learned what is in each video.
  • a certificate of completion.
The Honourable Colin McKinnon, K.C.
Ernest George Tannis
Justice James Chadwick

Our services to the general public

Educational Resources

Resources on Family Law, Negotiation Principles, and Conflict Resolution process options are available for free to the general public.

Provide Legal Information

Ernest G. Tannis is available as a Negotiation Consultant. He is able to provide legal information, but not legal advice, at his own practice.

Expert Knowledge

Ernest Tannis practiced law from April 12th, 1976 until December 31st, 2022. He has written several books regarding ADR, conflict resolution, and negotiation.